How to Change DNS Nameservers from Godaddy to Point to AWS Route 53

2022/8/92 min read
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This blog shows how to change your DNS Nameservers from Godaddy to point to the AWS Route 53, so you can create compute instance at AWS but domain registered at Godaddy. Nameservers determine where your DNS is hosted, once point to AWS Route 53 then can define DNS records.

Check Current Nameservers

You can use below command to run at the terminal to check nameservers of the domain, and notice the nameserver is point to the Godaddy's nameservers.

nslookup -type=ns

Setup AWS

Here, we'll start setup aws, assume already has AWS Account already setup, we'll need to setup Route53 Hosted Zones.

Create a new Hosted zones at Route 53

Once create hosted zone, you'll get NS record type ad SOA record type, the NS record should have 4 values, these value is important since we'll use these to update to the Godaddy.

This is example how to create Hosted zone, notice that once create hosted zone you'll be charged for $0.5 per hosted zone for first 25 hosted zone.

Take the memo of the NS record and will be use to enter at the Godaddy. Create New Hosted Zone

Update Nameservers at Godaddy

Change Godaddy's Nameservers by log into the Godaddy, go to the DNS and select Change Nameservers.

Edit nameservers

At Godaddy choose I'll use my own nameservers. Enter the 4 NS value into the Godaddy nameservers, Tips, when entering the nameservers make sure not include the ending dot from AWS NS records.

Logged in to Godaddy and find your registered domain, go to the Nameservers section and click Change. Enter the 4 values list from AWS Route 53 at Godaddy.

Check Nameservers Again

Now, if you type the nslookup -type=ns {your domain}, make sure the nameservers point to the AWS hosted zone, if not check again after the ttl time.

nslookup -type=ns


Now, your Godaddy registered domain should point to the AWS Route 53, you can start to create records to point your domain to AWS resources now, such as use ACM certificate manager to create domain.