How to Pass AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate SOA-C02 - Study Question List

2021/3/17 min read
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Starting from July 27, 2021, the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam has been updated, the exam changed from SOA-C01 to SOA-C02. This blog will help to prepare for the exam base on their exam guide. Below are setlist of question during the review for the exam guide, these are just a few questions when we reading the guide, it won't guarantee to pass the exam if you know all but at least will help you better to prepare the exam. 

  • CloudWatch Logs
  • CloudTrail
  • CloudWatch Agent
  • CloudWatch Alarm
    • How to set a billing alarm?
    • How to create CPU utilization CloudWatch alarm when CPU is over a certain threshold?
    • How to create EC2 instance status CloudWatch alarm, to watch when site id down?
    • Why does DynamoDB create a basic alarm?
    • How much does the CloudWatch alarm cost?
    • CloudWatch alternative?
  • AWS EventBridge
    • What is the list of use cases to use EventBridge?
    • How to use EventBridge as a scheduler to trigger Lambda?
  • AWS System Manager
    • What list of features AWS System Manager can provide?
  • AWS AutoScaling
    • How to use AutoScaling base on EC2 CPU Usage?
    • What is the list of AWS services that can use autoscaling?
    • What is the list way to handle auto-scaling?
    • AWS Autoscaling alternative?
    • How to use RDS to create different RDS databases?
    • How to create RDS replicas?
    • How to create Aurora?
    • How to create Aurora replicas?
    • How to set up Multi-AZ for RDS?
  • Caching
    • What is the list of AWS services that can use caching?
    • How to set up ElasticCache, and which services can use ElasticCache?
    • How to set up ElasticCache cluster?
    • What's eviction, how do you do to handler eviction for Redis or memcached? 
    • What list of metrics needs to watch for ElasticCache? and how to react?
  • Elastic Load Balancer
    • How to set up Classic Load Balancer?
    • How to set up an Application Load Balancer?
    • How to set up Network Load Balancer?
    • How to set up Gateway Load Balancer?
    • Price?
    • Elastic Load Balancer alternative?
  • Route 53 
    • How to set up Route 53 health check?
    • What Route 53 health check alternative?
    • What are DNS logs? and what it is for?
    • What difference between geolocation vs geoproximity?
    • What's the route 53 DNS resolver? and use case?
  • Amazon FSx
  • AWS S3
    • How to configure AWS S3 cross-region replication? and Why? latency? 
    • How to create a static website?
    • How to use CloudFront with OAI with an S3 static site?
  • AWS Fargate
    • How to set up a simple app with AWS Fargate?
    • Price?
  • EC2
    • How to use AWS Image Builder?
  • OpsWork
    • How to use OpsWork? basic usage.
    • Price?
  • AWS CodeDeploy
    • How to use CodeDeploy to deploy code?
    • How to deploy a simple express.js app by using CodeDeploy?
    • Any other way to deploy?
    • List of deploy policy, rolling, immutable and more?
  • Service Quotas
    • Good to watch what AWS' limitation then you can send quota request.
  • Elastic Beanstalk
    • How to create an express.js app with ElasticBeanstalk include deployment?
  • CloudFormation
    • CloudFormation vs Terraform? Which is better.
  • IAM Access Analyzer
    • How to use IAM Access Analyzer?
  • IAM Policy Simulator
    • How to use IAM Policy Simulator?
  • AWS Control Tower
    • How to use AWS Control Tower to create a sample, best practice environment?
  • AWS Encryption
    • How to use AWS KMS? or What if you don't use AWS KMS?
    • How to use Cloud HSM?
    • What list of services uses encryption at rest at AWS service?
    • What list of services does encryption in transit in AWS service?
  • AWS Store Secrets
    • How to use store secrets?
  • AWS parameter store
    • How to use parameter store?
  • AWS Guard Duty
    • How to use Guard Duty? What it can do?
    • How to use WAF? and when to use WAF?
    • What is the list of AWS WAF Managed rules?
  • AWS Shield
    • What AWS Shield and how to use it?
  • AWS Config
    • How to use AWS Config?
    • What is the list of common best practices AWS Config to use?
  • AWS Inspector
    • How to set up AWS Inspector to analyze security issues on EC2?
    • What is the list of AWS Service can use AWS Inspector to analyze security issues?
  • AWS Macie
    • How to use AWS Macie to discover sensitive data? (PII)
    • What data source does it support? does it only support AWS or on-promise? 
  • Security Groups
  • Network ACLs
  • System Session Manager
    • How to use System session manager to access instances?
    • What list of AWS services does the system session manager support?
    • System session manager alternative?
  • VPC endpoints
  • VPC peering
    • How to set up VPC peering? case study?
    • What is AWS VPN and what it is for?
  • AWS Transit Gateway
  • AWS BGP Connections
  • AWS Customer Network
  •  Others
    • How to build fault-tolerant workloads with AWS?
  • Logs
    • VPC Flow logs
    • Load Balancer access logs
    • AWS WAF web ACL logs
    • CloudFront logs
    • Any other logs?
  • Backup
    • How to backup for a list of services?