Start Angular2 - Resources
2016/5/314 min read
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A resource to Learn Angular2
This blog just provides a few links to learn Angular2, I create this page just want to memo a few links of how to learn Angular2.
- BadAssList - Resource of Learn Angular2
- A very helpful list to learn Angular2
- PDF - Become a Ninja with Angular2
- Info - Angular2 Home Page
- Go to the Angular2 home page to check what's the main features.
- Try 1 - Angular2 Quick Start
- Use this's quick start to learn how to build a Hello world by Angular2.
- Try 2 - Angular2 Tutorial
- This's tutorial will learn how to use angular2 Components, services, Routing, and HTTP.
- Document -'s guide
- A basic guide for the developer
- Document -'s developer guide
- More information about Angular2.
- Angular2 API
- Example - generator-gulp-angular2
- Yeoman generator's angular2 version
- quick start's github location
- Blog - how to learn Angular2
- News - Positive - Google Preps Angular 2 for Final Release
- Video - Angular2 Tutorial for beginner
- Video - egghead - Learn Angular2
- Video - Angular 2 : First Look
- Video - Angular 2 - Getting Started
- Video - Play by Play
- site -
- a website build for people who want to learn angular2
- site -
- Tool - Node.js - You need this to try angular2
- Tool - TypeScript - Angular2 could build with TypeScript
- Course - Paid to learn Angular2 - Pluralsight
- If you pay you can take the angular2 course here.
Resource for other languages/tools relative to Angular2
Environment for start doing Anglar2
- node.js
- version: 4.x is better stable than 5.x (7/72016 point)
- npm
- version: 2.x, will come along when installing node.js
- Visual Studio Code
- Cloud9
- WebStorm
- Sublime
- Git
Angular2 Tags
- TypeScript
- SystemJs
- Single Responsibility Principle
- dash case (aka kebab-case)
- decorator
- Injectable
- @Injectable()
- Dependency Injection
- Promise
- ngOnInt
- Angular Lifecycle Hook
- Pipes
- interpolation
- one-way data binding
- two-way data binding
- Multi-line template strings
- template strings feature in ES2015
- double curly braces of interpolation
- ngFor
- build-in directive
- ngIf
- Structural Directives
- property binding
- Attribute Directives
- @Input()
- angular2 promise service
- Async Angular Service with Promises
- ES2015 Promises
- ES2015 arrow function
- Angular2 base href
- component-relative paths
- parent component property binding
- ActivateRoute
- ngOnDesroy
- angular2's subscribe -> params.subscribe
- angular2's unsubscribe -> this.sub.unsubscribe();
- Javascript(+) operator
- CanDeactivate guard
- routerLinkActive
Angular2 Coding Styles
- service
- .service
- MyGreateService -> my-greate.service.ts
How to Learn Angular2
- Angular2
- First, learn basic angular2, tutorial, read documentation, build a prototype.
- TypeScript
- Learn basic with angular2, also dive deep into TypeScript
- Visual Studio Code
- SystemJs
- Npm
- Grunt/Gulp
- Visual Studio
- How to integrate the above technology into visual studio, let's say, ASP.NET MVC, MVC5
Question for Angular2
- When should we use Angular2?
- Angular2 for SEO?
- Why need to unsubscribe()? -> this.sub.unsubscribe();
- The angular component could add CSS URLs, but how to work with SASS or minified CSS?