How to get start with Snowflake

2024/01/052 min read
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Get Free Trial Account

  • Use personal email or company email.
  • If is personal, just enter personal email.
  • Choose Snowflake edition as Standard, choose cloud provider, AWS or Azure or Google.
  • Once choose few preferences and you should get an email.
  • Click the email to setup the trial user id and password.

What Snowflake can do?

  • Use Snowflake as data warehouse and datalake
  • Run data analysis and build visualizations
  • Load data, build data pipeline or migrate an existing warehouse
  • Build or train a machine learning model
  • Build or distribute an application with Snowflake

What Language Snowflake support

  • SQL
  • Python
  • Java
  • Scala

Try Snowflake

  • Explore sample data
  • Load data into Snowflake

For starter, list of things to try for snowflake

  • How to load Data
  • How to scale compute
  • How to work with semi-structured data
  • How to use Snowflake Data Marketplace
  • How to create data visualizations
  • How to build and share dashboards
  • How to use SnowSLQ to connect with Snowflake via CLI
  • Check snowflake demo,

List of Term

  • SnowSQL - command line toolf ro testing queries, loading/unloading bulk data.
  • Snowsight - next-generation SQL worksheet for advanced query development, data analysis and visualization
  • Snowpipe - data import & export, use snowpipe for continuous micro-batch loading.
  • SnowCD - command line diagnostic tool for identifying and fixing client connectivity issues.
  • Snowflake SQL API - REST API for accessing and updating data in snowflake database.
  • Snowpark - use Python, Java and Scala for process.
  • Streamlit in Snowflake - building, deploying and sharing Streamlit apps on Snowflake data cloud.

Other Useful tools

  • Snowflake Extension for Visual Studio Code