About Browsers Market Share

2015/12/301 min read
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I've been thinking that it is hard to create standard browser support for you website.Because there're more than thousands of browsers, operation system and devices. You can support and test all the browsers. At this first section, I am trying to figure out how can depend a standard for website's browser support. First, I did a reach of what's the current majar browsers, operation system, devices.

by 12/2015

Latest Browser

Following are the major browser's latest version.

  • chrome 47
  • firefox 43
  • safari 9
  • opera 34
  • ie 11

Realtime browser share

There's interesting website, tell what's the current browser version shared. I did a report for desktop browser version market share, the result shows as, Chrome46 is 21.2%, IE11 is 24.76%, IE8 is 10.48%, IE9 is 6.57%, IE10 is 4.37%. Based on the report on desktop IE is close to 50% share. However when I test in Mobile/Tablet browser version market share, there's no IE.

Realtime Web Analytics for Browser Market Share



