How to Install Node.js Ghost Blog Platform

2015/6/21 min read
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Ghost is Blog platform run by node.js web server, it's able to run at any machine, windows, mac, linux. At August, 2015, there're around 743,155 people who download Ghost. At this article, I'll show how to donwload and install to your local computer. 

Target system is Windows 7 64bit.

Require software are following.

1. Install Node.js


2. After donwload ghost-0.6.4 zip file, move to the folder you want to host blog. At my case, I move to C:\WebApps

3. Run Ghost by node.js command prompt

After run these command, you ghost blog system should be available at your localhost:2368 by default.

C:\WebApps\ghost-0.6.4>npm install --production
C:\WebApps\ghost-0.6.4>npm start

4. More information

Ghost is running by node.js as web server and server side programming language, Handlerbar.js use as client side template language, Ghost also has development kit, for most information about developer api, see