How to Use Grunt with Keystone.js for Minify CSS, Javascript and HTML
I'm using keystone.js with Jade view template engine, back-end is MongoDB, I didn't try Grunt at Keystone.js before, this blog is How I tried, it's not perfect but the output is close to what I want. So anyway, from browser source code point of view, following is what I want.
- Minify CSS/Javascript
- Minify Html
- In Development mode, I should have choice to not minify CSS/Javascrout, not minify HTML.
So following are list of things how I tried to make it happen.
1. Grunt file setup
Use grunt-jade-usemin
First thing I'm doing here is use jadeUsemin setup task for jade template. Then, there are some clean up so I can make my web application work, which is copy task.
* grunt-jade-usemin
* Copyright ©2014 Gilad Peleg
* Licensed under the MIT license.
'use strict';
module.exports = function (grunt) {
// load all npm grunt tasks
// Project configuration.
// Before generating any new files, remove any previously-created files.
clean: {
tests: ['tmp', 'test/compiled']
filerev: {
jadeUsemin: {
options: {
noDest: true
// Configuration to be run (and then tested).
jadeUsemin: {
options: {
replacePath: {
'#{baseDir}': 'test', //optional - key value to replace in src path
'#{baseDistPath}': '/'
basic: {
options: {
tasks: {
js: ['concat', 'uglify'],
css: ['concat', 'cssmin']
files: [
dest: 'templates/compiled/layouts/default.jade',
src: 'templates/layouts/default.jade'
copy: {
// copy UI assets for development
development: {
cwd: 'public',
src: '**/*',
dest: 'public/public',
expand: true
production: {
cwd: '/dist',
src: '**/*',
dest: 'public/dist',
expand: true
production_fonts: {
cwd: 'public/fonts',
src: '**/*',
dest: 'public/dist/fonts',
expand: true
production_fontsAwesome: {
cwd: 'bower_components/font-awesome-bower/fonts',
src: '**/*',
dest: 'public/dist/fonts',
expand: true
// Actually load this plugin's task(s).
// Whenever the "test" task is run, first clean the "tmp" dir, then run this
// plugin's task(s), then test the result.
grunt.registerTask('[production]', [
Place Javascript/CSS files at Jade template
Next thing to do is, add html comment as following for your javascript or CSS,
the file path after the build:js
will be the actual file path when
run the Grunt task.
There're some trick here, when I wrote the path start with slush
, grunt task will create this post.js
to my local
drive's root folder. If i didn't add the sluch then will create the file under
my current application's root folder. That's why I'm doing cheat here at my
copy task command. Something i think I need to figure out the better way to do
block js
script(src='', async='', defer='')
//-<!-- build:js /dist/js/post.js -->
script(src='./public/js/shared/socials/facebook_sdk.js', type='text/javascript')
script(src='./public/js/shared/socials/share_core.js', type='text/javascript')
script(src='./public/js/shared/socials/share_facebook2.js', type='text/javascript')
script(src='./public/js/shared/socials/share_googlePlus.js', type='text/javascript')
//-<!-- endbuild -->
Keystone.js init
I copy all the jade template to another folder at Grunt task, because of this I need ability at keystone.js when in development/production use different view template.
Following is what I did at keystone.js
var viewPath = 'templates/compiled/views';
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
viewPath = 'templates/views';
'views': viewPath,
I'm happy that at Keystone.js I'm able to achieve following thing by using grunt task, on Production you'll get most optimized enviroment.
- Minify CSS
- Minify Javascript
- Minify HTML
- Ability to swich minify on/off in Development
There are list of thing I don't think I'm doing it right, so need to figure out in the future.
- How to setup path at jade template